

join the conversation! twitter is your go-to social networking app and the source for what's happening in the world. from world news to local news, entertainment to sports and gaming, politics to fun stories that go viral, when it happens in the world, it happens on twitter first. find friends or follow influential people - every voice can impact the world! join over 2 billion users worldwide!

tweet, retweet, reply to tweets, share or like - twitter is easy to use

chat privately or go big and initiate a group conversation with anyone who follows you. track your friends & other twitter followers or follow your favorite celebrity alongside hundreds of interesting twitter users, to read their content at a glance. engage your social network with noteworthy links, photos and videos. discover which of your tweets were liked or retweeted.

create your free twitter account today!

twitter allows you to find interesting people or build a following of people who are interested in you. maintaining a social connection has never been easier!twitter allows celebs to build a personal connection with their fans. this is why twitter has become one of the most used social media platforms in the world.

build an engaging profile

customize your profile, add a photo, description, location, and background photo

tweet often and optimize your posting times

post visual content

use hashtags in your tweets

draw in followers outside of twitter

know what’s trending now

discover top trending hashtags and breaking news headlines. whether you’re interested in sports highlights, pop culture and entertainment or politics, twitter is your source of information.

live streaming events

join the conversation or watch live videos to deeply engage with large audiences directly from your mobile device. go live, create your own live streaming events, share videos or sit back and watch events from around the world.

privacy policy: twitter /en/privacy

terms and conditions: twitter /en/tos

当后台服务器配置了https证书后,ios端如果采用af3.0请求网络,必须配置一下证书的支持。可按下面步骤做: 1、

2、进到证书路径,执行下面语句 openssl x509 -in 你的证书.crt -out 你的证书.cer -outform der 双击导入到mac,在钥匙串可以查看。


// 当服务器地址更换需重新设置证书模式

nsstring * cerpath = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"current" oftype:@"cer"];

nsdata * cerdata = [nsdata datawithcontentsoffile:cerpath];

manager.securitypolicy = [afsecuritypolicy policywithpinningmode:afsslpinningmodecertificate withpinnedcertificates:[[nsset alloc] initwithobjects:cerdata, nil]];

// 客户端是否信任非法证书

manager.securitypolicy.allowinvalidcertificates = yes;

// 是否在证书域字段中验证域名

[manager.securitypolicy setvalidatesdomainname:no];











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